Author: danburke

What are Common Types of Deeds?

woman signing a deed
The legal literature surrounding home ownership can be overwhelming, under-rewarding and repetitive if you don’t do it right the first time. This type of complicated legal matter doesn't have to be so difficult whenever you have help from trusted professionals, especially with something as beloved as a family home. That's…

Injury Accidents While Touring Real Estate

real estate tour
An essential part of the real estate industry is offering open house tours to those who may be interested in buying property. Potential home buyers often need an in-person visual of the property, and usually like to get a feel for the place to make sure they’ll find comfort residing…

Wondering What An NDA Is?

people meeting to discuss NDA Agreement Questions
The term "NDA" is frequently heard in the news, but what does it actually mean? How do they affect us at the business level or the personal level? Non-disclosure agreements (NDA's) are legal contract agreements that can be difficult to understand at first. Dan Burke Law provides readers with an…

Differences Between a Business and Corporate Attorney

business and corporate attorney meeting
Whether you’re starting a new business in San Antonio or already have a well-established business, hiring a trustworthy attorney for legal representation is crucial to your success. Not only will an attorney help protect your business by making sure you’re complying with laws and regulations, but they also help you…

Trademarks vs DBAs

trademark writing
Trademarks vs Doing Business As If you’re starting a new business, you know there are a lot of things you need to check off on your to-do list. One of those is most likely registering your business name and/or logo legally. But how do you know if a trademark or…

What Is Considered A Binding Contract?

Contract agreement Dan Burke
Contracts can be difficult to understand when you first read through. They are often full of legal terminology, and each state has different requirements for what makes a contract legally binding. All of these factors can quickly make it seem impossible to tell if a contract is binding or not. …

What is a “Non-Compete” Agreement?

Non-Compete Agreement Dan Burke
Though we might all be guilty of not reading Terms and Conditions in their entirety, it’s still important to understand exactly what you’re agreeing to by signing any dotted lines. One common form that employees may encounter is a non-compete agreement, and it’s crucial to know all the strings that…

When Landlords Should Hire A Lawyer

Landlord real estate laws Dan Burke
Being a landlord means dealing with tenants. Part of the job is handling rental disputes with their customers. While many issues can be resolved with simple communication, how do you know when legal assistance is required? Here are a few common situations in which lawyers for landlords are beneficial. Buying…