Author: danburke

Do’s And Don’ts Of Real Estate Deeds

hands shaking over an opened folder with a property deed
Real Estate Legal Assistance From Dan Burke Law Deeds play a critical role in any real estate transaction, governing the transfer of property ownership. Understanding the nuances of drafting and executing a deed is essential to navigating the complexities involved. Dan Burke Attorney at Law stands ready to assist San…

How To Start A Small Business

woman with mid length white hair, wearing glasses, leaning over a table while reading documents
Building A Solid Foundation: Legal Tips For Beginning A New Business With the idea for your small business in mind and a business plan drafted, it's time to turn your vision into reality. However, it's crucial to ensure that every step you take is legally sound. While you could navigate…

4 Legal Questions Every Business Owner Should Ask

two people sitting next to each other at a desk with laptops, looking over a pile of papers together
Navigating The Legal Landscape In San Antonio, TX Starting a new business is a blend of excitement and apprehension. Amidst the flurry of ideas and plans, it's crucial to lay a solid legal foundation to safeguard your venture's future. At Dan Burke Attorney At Law, we understand the intricacies and…

What Are The First Steps To Hiring An Attorney?

woman talking to an attorney about a case
Understanding The Importance Of Legal Counsel In the vast expanse of Texas, where opportunities abound for small businesses, the legal landscape can be as complex as it is promising. As a small business owner in the Lone Star State, you're likely well aware of the importance of having the right…

Why Are Articles Of Incorporation Important?

Men's shirt with a name tag that says hello I am forming an LLC
Essential Steps For Filing Articles Of Incorporation Looking to start your own small business? Congratulations, entrepreneur! While starting a business can be an exciting experience, it can also be overwhelming. Small business owners have a lot on their plates, including business planning and strategy, marketing, sales, staffing and customer service.…

When Should A Small Business Hire A Lawyer?

Law Books on book shelf
Strategic Legal Support In San Antonio Everything seems to be going great until it’s not, right? If you run your own company, you may have a small business lawyer that you’ve worked with to get your business operating the right way. But do you know what events should have you…

Benefits Of Real Estate Coaching

high angle picture of a young woman holding a clipboard poised as a real estate agent shaking hands with a young couple
Empowering Your Property Journey With Dan Burke Law Embarking on a journey in the real estate world can be both exciting and complex. Whether you are a seasoned investor or a first-time property buyer in San Antonio, having a property lawyer offer a guiding hand can make a significant difference.…

Understanding Your Employee Agreement

employment agreement
A Legal Guide By Dan Burke, Business Attorney In San Antonio Navigating an employee agreement can be daunting, especially when you're eager to embark on a new career path. At Dan Burke Law, we understand the intricacies involved and are here to guide you through every clause and condition. Knowing…

5 Most Common Small Business Legal Mistakes

small business legal mistakes
For new business owners, it’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of watching ideas come to life and forget to take necessary legal precautions. At Dan Burke Law, we’re your best bet when looking for a business attorney in San Antonio. Our team is dependable, professional and always…