Why Are Articles Of Incorporation Important?

Men's shirt with a name tag that says hello I am forming an LLC

Essential Steps For Filing Articles Of Incorporation

Looking to start your own small business? Congratulations, entrepreneur! While starting a business can be an exciting experience, it can also be overwhelming. Small business owners have a lot on their plates, including business planning and strategy, marketing, sales, staffing and customer service.

Where do you even start? One of the most crucial first steps a new business owner should take is filing articles of incorporation. The team at Dan Burke Law is here to help you understand why this is so important.

What Are Articles Of Incorporation?

The first thing you should know is that the Articles of Incorporation are a legal document used to establish a corporation in the United States. When you file this form, you are informing your home state of your company’s existence and outlining the essential aspects of the business.

The form must be filed with your state’s Secretary of State and renewed each year that you plan for your business to continue.

Why Should Business Owners Care?

Dealing with legal documents and paperwork may seem like a daunting task — but with the help of a small business lawyer — you will be grateful you filed your articles of incorporation for many reasons.

• Legal standing — As a corporation, you gain the right to enter contracts, borrow money, hire employees and generate profits.

• Lender appeal — Your business becomes more appealing to lenders as an established legal entity.

• Capital opportunities — The ability to raise capital through stock sales becomes a feasible option.

• Asset protection — Separating yourself from business liabilities safeguards your personal assets.

• Tax benefits — An established legal entity avoids negative tax treatment associated with a sole proprietorship.

The process of filing articles of incorporation becomes a foundational step that offers long-term benefits for small business owners. With the expertise of a small business lawyer, this essential legal aspect becomes more accessible, providing not just compliance but a strategic advantage for your business’s growth and stability.

What Is Included In The Articles Of Incorporation?

Articles of incorporation are often confused with a company’s bylaws, which provide a detailed guideline of your company’s governing rules and principles. Bylaws are not required to be public domain and can be private.

The articles of incorporation are public record, so you only need to include the basic necessary information:

• The name of the company

• The location of the company

• The number of authorized shares

• A determined duration of the business

• The names of directors

• The name of the registered agent

To simplify the legalities, consider enlisting the expertise of a professional. Reach out to small business attorney Dan Burke and ensure your articles of incorporation are meticulously handled, setting your business on a clear and secure path.

The Importance Of Professional Guidance

Navigating the intricacies of filing articles of incorporation can be overwhelming for new business owners. However, seeking professional assistance — such as that provided by small business attorney Dan Burke — can make the process much smoother.

Having an experienced legal professional on your side is crucial for ensuring that your articles of incorporation are filed correctly and that your business starts on a solid legal footing.

Dan Burke Law: Empowering Your Entrepreneurial Journey

Don’t stress about the legalities — let a professional get the job done. Contact the team at Dan Burke Law to schedule a free consultation to help with the important first steps for your new business.

Our commitment to ensuring a smooth and compliant process allows you to focus on what you do best — building and growing your business with confidence.


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