What Is The Attorney-Client Privilege?
Perhaps you are the owner of a small business considering getting a lawyer. Someone sued your business, you’re deciding to sell your company or you find that your business accidentally broke the law. Being a small business owner is already difficult as is. Legal issues may cause everything to become…
What are Common Types of Deeds?
The legal literature surrounding home ownership can be overwhelming, under-rewarding and repetitive if you don’t do it right the first time. This type of complicated legal matter doesn't have to be so difficult whenever you have help from trusted professionals, especially with something as beloved as a family home. That's…
What is the Difference Between Property Transfer and Property Sale?
Learn the Difference between Property Transfer and Property Sale with Dan Burke Law For those looking to move homes, navigating legal language can be exhausting. Real estate law is a field with a lot of up-charges, legal terminology, and contracts that make it impossible for the everyday person to navigate…